Educating system 2
System 1 educates itself by looking over the shoulder of system 2. This implies that the only thing that we have to worry about is to educate system 2 well. If system 2 occupies itself with useful chess logic with a high frequency of occurrence, both systems will thrive. How does that look like? Black to move 8/5N2/6P1/3p4/B7/3nPkP1/1r6/6K1 b - - 0 1 [ solution ] The first thing is that you have to see what the position is about. You need to have the checkmate patterns under your belt. Only when you SEE the salient cue "Arabian mate", you can build some logic around it. 3 movers are fit to learn the patterns. But after you master those, 4 movers are very good to build your chess logic. Without the salient clue "Arabian mate", you will have to resort to trial and error. Which probably will fail which these 4 movers. The Arabian mate is usually in the corner of the board. But the walls of the killbox can be anything. As long as the enemy king cannot pass the walls.