My System ch 2. Open file
The following concepts emerged: A file is open when your own pawn is missing or hidden Ultimate goal of an open file is the penetration of the 7th or 8th rank There is no difference between play against a piece and against a point Attack the defenders of the entrance point A file is opened when the opponent trades a piece that is defended by a pwan Provoke such caption by placing your pieces in the center The file next to the exchanged piece will be opened Obstacles on the open file can be removed by piling up (evolutionary) Or by a sacrifice (revolutionary) An open file can be used as a rooklift A knight as outpost undermines the pawn that it is blocking by attacking its defending pawn An outpost must be supported by a pawn An knight as outpost provokes the defending pawn to step forward The power of an outpost is derived from the open file and the pieces and pawn behind it When an outpost is exchanged, and you take back with a pawn, the enemy pawn is blockaded. At the same time the