A simple win

Tonight I played at my club against a player with 1715.
The result was a simple win by a tactical trick.

I decided to stop with the Bravenet counter, because they use datamining cookies.
I don't like that creepy behaviour. Has anyone a suggestion for a good free counter?

Has anyone an idea why my harddisk suddenly is grumping like an old man while editing a post?
Cognitive science has ideas about the interval between repetitions when you want to memorize some items. For example the first interval = 1 day, the second = 7 days, third = 16 days, fourth = 35 etc..
I'm going to experiment with this. I'll let you know if I find interesting things.

Problems are going faster.
TCT# problemscircle 1circle 2circle 3
Step 354096%97%


Step 456094%95%80 done
Step 558075%- -


  1. I use two counters on my blog: Site Meter and Xtreme Tracking. They each have their advantages and disadvantages. If you click on the icons at the bottom of my blog you can see what my reports look like.

  2. About your TCT circles - I noticed you decided to separate the last step. I was wondering, how many problems do you like in your mini-circles? I wonder if going over 1000 problems per circle is extreme.

  3. King,
    I'm experimenting. It depends on how difficult the problems are for me. In step 5 my performance degraded, and I'm inclined to get hasty to get ready with them. Since that doesn't do justice to the problems I postponed them.
    It's rather intiutive: do I have the feeling that it works. I'm inclined at this moment to alter the workload (measured in TIME) by doing smaller circles and to do more of them.

    Via one of the bloggers I entered the site of www.supermemo.com
    I found de constraints of MDLM's program rather arbitrary from the beginning. It was a program that was suited for him. I do a sort of DLM's program because it works. But I don't have the feeling that's optimal. At supermemo I found some ideas that has a little more scientific foundation. Especially about intervals between repetitions.
    So I'm figuring out a new schedule to experiment with this.

  4. Just saw your game, nice annotations. Perhaps the 8..b5 sac was not all *that* simple ;-).

    Maybe I am missing something, but doesn't 11. cxb5 Bb4 12. bxc6 Bxd2+ 13. Nxd2 dxc6 leave White better by one pawn?
    (Queen + pawn = 10 v. Rook + 2 minor pieces = 11, White also has both Bishops )

  5. I checked out the link - very helpful information :-).

  6. King,
    It's not rook + 2 minor pieces = 11 but rook + 1 minor piece = 8. (I started with grabbing a knight).

    Arena estimates the position from you (after 13. .. Re8 instead of 13. ... dxe6) with +2,46 pawnpoints by black.

    Besides this you forget about the psychological impact on white by getting a total unexpected blow.

  7. Nice game tempo. How did you make that link and set up the game that way? Is that a special program or something? Sure beats playing out the moves.

  8. Great game. I can see that you are better than I am at planning (with your b5 idea) and play a much sounder game than I do.

  9. Try supermemo for the optimum scheduling of intervals between repetitions. Or at least they say it's optimal :) Unfortunately, the program isn't free, but the articles on the site are certainly worth reading (the address is www.supermemo.com) They have a lot of articles about learning, repetitions and sleep (which is what I should be doing right now - I guess I'm ignoring their advice :)

  10. PMD,
    I use a freeware program I got via Bahus.
    You can get it here: http://www.mailchess.de/pgntojse.html
    It makes a javascript from a pgn-file. I put it on another website of mine and link to it.

  11. Fractal,
    I make a schedule that is inspired by supermemo. (I think I got the link from you, I'm not sure). For now Excel is good enough for that.


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