First try to get some focus

 The strategy for black and white around the conquest of the center might differ a bit.

For white:

  • ideal is d4 d5. Or even c4, d4, e4, f4
  • pieces behind the pawns
  • pieces cover c4, d4, e4, f4 (the pawns)
  • pieces cover c5, d5, e5, f5 (where the pawns want to go)
  • white has more space
  • when your center disappears, block the center pawns of black with pieces

For black:
  • black allows a broad pawn center
  • pawn moves (to build a broad center) let white lag in development
  • black blows the center open as soon as possible
  • the white pieces aren't ready yet for a confrontation (the price for pawn moves)
  • black opt for imbalances in order to play for a win (that's my choice)
  • black plays slow openings (my choice) and must play highly aggressive because of that
  • the white pawn closest to black is a logical target
  • blowing open the center may cost a pawn or two
  • focus on e4 and d4 (from blacks perspective)
  • b5 can be played to harass Nc3 which weakens whites center
  • always be on the lookout for queen trades along the d-file (avoid that) 
  • watch out for unprotected pieces behind the pawns when the center blows open
  • be aware of the potential conversion of a fluid center into a ridgid one
  • be aware of long term outposts when the center becomes ridgid
  • be aware of holes between your pawns when they move forward
  • moves with an additional punch are preferred


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